The ultimate guide to functional medicine

Functional medicine is a comprehensive, evidence-based and patient-centered approach that addresses the underlying root causes of health issues, focusing on the body’s intricate systems and their interactions. Unlike conventional medicine, functional medicine views the body as an integrated whole, recognizing the interconnectedness of various physiological functions with a modern understanding of biology, disease processes, testing, and medications to deliver effective health outcomes.

A skilled functional medicine practitioner employs a holistic approach, often combining lifestyle interventions, nutrition, and environmental factors, providing a tailored roadmap for recovery to restore balance and promote optimal well-being. 

By acknowledging that chronic diseases often stem from modifiable elements like diet and lifestyle, Functional Medicine not only focuses on disease resolution but also prioritizes prevention. Take charge of your health with Functional Medicine—your holistic solution for effective and preventive care.

If you’re seeking a personalized and comprehensive approach to your health, consider consulting with a functional medicine expert such as Dr. Gio.

Unlike conventional approaches that often focus solely on symptom management, functional medicine delves into the root causes of health issues. As a patient-centered approach, functional medicine aims to understand the intricate connections between various bodily systems, exploring how they impact overall well-being. By leveraging a comprehensive understanding of genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors, functional medicine practitioners, such as Dr. Gio, work collaboratively with individuals to create tailored, proactive health plans. Whether addressing gut health, hormone imbalances, metabolic challenges, or autoimmune conditions, functional medicine empowers individuals to take charge of their health journey, fostering sustainable and transformative outcomes. Explore the transformative possibilities of functional medicine and unlock the key to a healthier, more vibrant life.

Functional medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on identifying and addressing the root causes of health issues, rather than just treating symptoms. It is beneficial for individuals seeking personalized and comprehensive care for a wide range of health concerns, including chronic conditions, hormonal imbalances, autoimmune disorders, and metabolic issues. Whether you’re looking to optimize your well-being, manage a specific health condition, or enhance your overall vitality, functional medicine offers a tailored and integrative approach. Explore the transformative possibilities of functional medicine and empower yourself on a journey to lasting health and wellness.

A comprehensive approach to functional medicine begins with a thorough analysis of your health, delving into the intricate web of factors affecting your well-being. Through in-depth consultations and state-of-the-art diagnostic tools (functional blood test, stool or hormonal test, etc), we identify root causes and design personalized strategies to address issues such as gut health, hormone imbalances, metabolic conditions, and autoimmune challenges. Our expert team, blending the skills of neuroscientists, functional medicine practitioners, and nutritional therapists, collaborates to provide a holistic and targeted plan. Discover the power of functional medicine in unlocking your body’s potential for optimal health and vitality. Elevate your well-being with our tailored solutions rooted in the principles of functional medicine.

On sait depuis longtemps que travailler avec du texte lisible et contenant du sens est source de distractions, et empêche de se concentrer sur la mise en page elle-même. L’avantage du Lorem Ipsum sur un texte générique comme ‘Du texte.

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The Science of Creating Health and Vitality

Learn more about the functional, lifestyle medicine approach

Unlock the potential of Functional Medicine, a groundbreaking approach that acknowledges the spectrum of health and disease.

In the realm of Functional Medicine, conditions are viewed as dynamic, capable of being prevented, reversed, or placed into remission. It is now well understood that chronic diseases are caused by largely modifiable elements such as diet, lifestyle and environmental factors that switch on genes and promote disease. Functional medicine focuses not only on disease resolution, but prevention by reducing known risk factors that promote disease.

A skilled functional medicine practitioner is able to identify signs of dysfunction, a precursor to full-fledged conditions. Their expertise allows them to recommend targeted treatments that enhance overall health and act as preventive measures against disease.

Unlike conventional approaches relying on symptom-masking medications, Functional Medicine prioritizes proactive health improvement.

Embrace Functional Medicine for a holistic strategy that not only addresses current conditions but also empowers you to actively prevent future health challenges.

The Health Spectrum


Why do we need functional medicine?

Patient Izabella found herself visiting the doctor frequently after receiving her Hashimoto’s diagnosis. She saw an endocrinologist to manage her thyroid hormone prescriptions, and a gastroenterologist for IBS-type symptoms such as diarrhoea and bloating. Izabella felt frustrated by the long wait times for specialist appointments, which often felt rushed. The prescription-based approach seemed to offer little in the way of dietary or lifestyle advice to manage her various complaints. Feeling alone and disempowered, Izabella felt caught up in a system.

Izabella is not alone. Studies have revealed that many patients feel they are receiving suboptimal care, in a fragmented system that is poorly coordinated, leaving gaps in their care that lead to poor health outcomes.

Patients are looking for better evidence-based support for chronic conditions, being engaged more in their care that has a focus on prevention and health, with improved coordination and follow-ups to ensure continuity of their care. This is precisely what functional medicine sets out to achieve.

Who does functional medicine help?

Functional medicine can help people with chronic health conditions, including autoimmunity, neurological conditions, hormonal disorders, cardiovascular conditions, digestive issues, and skin disorders. It can also be used in acute settings such as viral infections like COVID 19.

Some health concerns elude diagnosis, yet with an in-depth understanding of human biology and pathophysiology, can be helped by following signs, symptoms and using clinical tools like functional testing to pinpoint and address potential root causes of dysfunction.​

The many chronic diseases or health challenges that functional medicine can help with include:
  • Anxiety
  • Asthma and allergies
  • Autoimmunity – diagnosed and undiagnosed
  • Brain and mood disorders
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Children’s health
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Chronic pain
  • Compromised immunity
  • Diabetes
  • Digestive disorders – diagnosed and undiagnosed
  • IBS/IBD and SIBO
  • Thyroid conditions (Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s)

A. Functional testing is often critical to the detective work

Testing is often required to undertake the detective work, using standard blood pathology tests alongside functional tests such as:

A. Functional medicine is detective work

Le Lorem Ipsum est simplement du faux texte employé dans la composition et la mise en page avant impression. Le Lorem Ipsum est le faux texte standard de l’imprimerie depuis les années 1500, quand un imprimeur anonyme assembla ensemble des morceaux de texte pour réaliser un livre spécimen de polices de texte. Il n’a pas fait que survivre cinq siècles.

De nombreuses suites logicielles de mise en page ou éditeurs de sites Web ont fait du Lorem Ipsum leur faux texte par défaut, et une recherche pour ‘Lorem Ipsum’ vous conduira vers de nombreux sites qui n’en sont encore qu’à leur phase de construction. Plusieurs versions sont apparues avec le temps, parfois par accident

“Functional medicine is a map, it’s a GPS system, a way of navigating through the landscape of an illness. It’s the medicine that connects the dots between all the things that are going wrong in our biology.”
- Mark Hyman

B. Functional medicine treats the root cause - with the aim being improved long-term health

Contrairement à une opinion répandue, le Lorem Ipsum n’est pas simplement du texte aléatoire. Il trouve ses racines dans une oeuvre de la littérature latine classique datant de 45 av. J.-C., le rendant vieux de 2000 ans. Un professeur du Hampden-Sydney College, en Virginie, s’est intéressé à un des mots latins les plus obscurs, consectetur, extrait d’un passage du Lorem Ipsum, et en étudiant tous les usages de ce mot dans la littérature classique, découvrit la source incontestable du Lorem Ipsum. Il provient en fait des sections 1.10.32 et 1.10.33 du

“De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (Des Suprêmes Biens et des Suprêmes Maux) de Cicéron. Cet ouvrage, très populaire pendant la Renaissance, est un traité sur la théorie de l’éthique. Les premières lignes du Lorem Ipsum, “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

The functional medicine tree

Signs, symptoms, disease

C. Functional medicine takes a holistic approach to understand how the whole body works

Contrairement à une opinion répandue, le Lorem Ipsum n’est pas simplement du texte aléatoire. Il trouve ses racines dans une oeuvre de la littérature latine classique datant de 45 av. J.-C., le rendant vieux de 2000 ans. Un professeur du Hampden-Sydney College, en Virginie, s’est intéressé à un des mots latins les plus obscurs, consectetur, extrait d’un passage du Lorem Ipsum, et en étudiant tous les usages de ce mot dans la littérature classique, découvrit la source incontestable du Lorem Ipsum. Il provient en fait des sections 1.10.32 et 1.10.33 du “De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (Des Suprêmes Biens et des Suprêmes Maux) de Cicéron.

The psycho-neuro-endocrine-immune system

Contrairement à une opinion répandue, le Lorem Ipsum n’est pas simplement du texte aléatoire. Il trouve ses racines dans une oeuvre de la littérature latine classique datant de 45 av. J.-C., le rendant vieux de 2000 ans. Un professeur du Hampden-Sydney College, en Virginie, s’est intéressé à un des mots latins les plus obscurs, consectetur, extrait d’un passage du Lorem Ipsum, et en étudiant tous les usages de ce mot dans la littérature classique, découvrit la source incontestable du Lorem Ipsum. Il provient en fait des sections 1.10.32 et 1.10.33 du “De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (Des Suprêmes Biens et des Suprêmes Maux) de Cicéron.

Many imbalances contribute to one condition

Contrairement à une opinion répandue, le Lorem Ipsum n’est pas simplement du texte aléatoire. Il trouve ses racines dans une oeuvre de la littérature latine classique datant de 45 av. J.-C., le rendant vieux de 2000 ans. Un professeur du Hampden-Sydney College, en Virginie, s’est intéressé à un des mots latins les plus obscurs, consectetur, extrait d’un passage du Lorem Ipsum, et en étudiant tous les usages de ce mot dans la littérature classique, découvrit la source incontestable du Lorem Ipsum. Il provient en fait des sections 1.10.32 et 1.10.33 du “De Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (Des Suprêmes Biens et des Suprêmes Maux) de Cicéron.

Many conditions can be caused by one imbalances

D. Functional testing is often critical to the detective work

Testing is often required to undertake the detective work, using standard blood pathology tests alongside functional tests such as:

E. Functional medicine seeks to empower patients, engaging and partnering them in their health journey

Plusieurs variations de Lorem Ipsum peuvent être trouvées ici ou là, mais la majeure partie d’entre elles a été altérée par l’addition d’humour ou de mots aléatoires qui ne ressemblent pas une seconde à du texte standard. Si vous voulez utiliser un passage du Lorem Ipsum, vous devez être.

sûr qu’il n’y a rien d’embarrassant caché dans le texte. Tous les générateurs de Lorem Ipsum sur Internet tendent à reproduire le même extrait sans fin, ce qui fait de le seul vrai générateur irréprochable. Le Lorem Ipsum ainsi obtenu ne contient aucune répétition, ni ne contient des mots farfelus, ou des touches d’humour.

Why functional medicine is the future of healthcare

s the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. And the benefits of investing in an approach that can prevent or reverse a condition and improve quality of life, seem certainly worthwhile. Yet, the adoption of the functional medicine approach requires a complete paradigm shift by the medical industry, to recognise that getting to the root cause of a chronic disease is more economical than managing that disease over the long-term. watch Mark Hyman’s TEDMED talk on why functional medicine is the future of medicine